
The thin line between acquaintance and friend

Talk about a gray area. Is it just me, or is the time between when an acquaintance becomes a friend one of the most difficult-to-navigate relationships? You believe that this person is the kind of person you can be friends with (read: someone you trust, who respects you, who's not malicious or selfish or heartless), but you really don't have anything to base that belief on...yet.

I am, by nature, a very trusting person. I'd like to think that this is because I've been lucky enough to surround myself with very trustworthy and kind friends, but I know even I've gotten burned when it comes to trusting the people closest to me. So now, I know who I trust and who I don't, and I move through my relationships accordingly.

But in that gray area? Much harder to figure it all out.

In her defense, I can't (and don't) claim ownership. But I can't help but think that her motives were selfish. But of course, I don't know this for sure -- she's still in that gray area.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

who are we talking about here? I think I might know...
I know what you mean about that line. I tend to jump right in headfirst sometimes with new people and that can lead to some regrets later down the road.