


There. I said it.

But it gets worse. Not only do I physically procrastinate, I mentally procrastinate. And I think mentally procrastinating is far worse than physically procrastinating. I think I've got a real knack for mentally procrastinating, too, which sucks for me. It's way too easy for me to just push things to the back of my mind instead of dealing with them.

I think I get it from my Dad. He's a mental procrastinator of the worst kind, and it's cost him a lot of things in his life. His marriage, his home, a few jobs... And I don't want that to happen to me. But I'm mentally procrastinating figuring out how to fix it.

It's a vicious circle.

1 comment:

Jack said...

How are you with deadlines?

I procrastinate a lot and I push it dangerously close when it comes to deadlines but for some reason, I always manage to dodge the bullet at the end. One of these days, this is gonna cost me. :\