
To blog or not to blog

I've been thinking a lot lately about this blog -- about how I wish I had the time/energy/motivation to post more thoughtful, in-depth things. But I'm finding that I'm struggling to find the balance between saying what I feel (after all, isn't a blog just a public diary?) and being totally passive aggressive.

Is blogging about hurt feelings and frustrations passive aggressive when you know the person you're writing about will read it?

I go back and forth debating this in my head. On one hand, sometimes it's good to just get your thoughts out even if the one they're directed at will never read them. On the other hand, I know she will and it will likely open up a whole new can of worms. One that needs to be opened, yes. But being the non-confrontational-to-a-fault person I am, I generally try to avoid all things wormy...

The jury's out on this one.

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